The influence of integrity on academic staff performance in consultancy services in Tanzanian public Universities

Academic dishonesty is a prevalent issue that affects individuals at all levels of the educational system. To explore the impact of integrity on academic staff performance in consultation services at Tanzanian Public Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs), a study was conducted using a stratified simple random sampling technique to obtain a sample size of 350 respondents. Additionally, 22 key informants who were heads of departments (HoDs) from respective public HLIs in Tanzania were selected using purposive sampling. Primary data were collected using closed-ended questionnaires distributed to academic staff and interviews with key informants. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Multiple Linear Regression through SPSS software version 20 while content analysis was used for qualitative interviews. The study's findings revealed a significant positive correlation between integrity and academic staff performance in consultancy. Cumbersome registration and payment procedures, inadequate skills, low motivation, and fairness in payment were identified as reasons for unsatisfactory performance in consultancy. The study recommends that HLI leadership prioritize building integrity among its staff by adhering to rules and regulations.